Effective and Proven Tips To Increase Your Twitter Followers

With many brands and aspiring artists turning to Twitter for more exposure, one of the biggest
questions that beginners still ask is how one can increase Twitter followers and acquire a big fanbase.
Social media algorithms have been changing over the course of time, so it isn’t that simple to get
people to be interested in your Twitter account anymore. You have to know what they want and cater to it.
Here are a few effective tips on how to get more Twitter followers for your account:


1. Design Your Profile

The most basic part of your Twitter account is your profile. Your profile will serve as your
first impression because it is the first thing that people will see when they click on your Twitter name.
So, when your visitors decide to click on you, you have to make sure that you give them something
worth viewing. This will increase your chances to get more Twitter followers. Let’s start with your
profile picture.

-Put a Nice Profile Picture

First of all, make sure that you have a good profile pic. This will give your potential followers an
idea who they’re talking to. People don’t like talking to someone that they don’t know. If you’re a
brand, post your brand’s logo or a product. If you’re an aspiring Twitter star, post your picture.
You just have to make sure that your visitors can identify you.

-Add an Eye-Catching Header Photo

The next part of designing your Twitter account is to add an attention-grabbing header photo.
When your visitors click on your profile, one of the first things that they’ll notice is your header photo.
This is why you need to choose a really good one. You can create a unique header photo on your own
using software like Canva.
Also, we recommend that you set your photo’s size to 1500x500 pixels so that
it won’t be too pixelated when you upload it.


-Create an Interesting Bio

The next step is to give attention to your bio. You can write a short two-sentence bio
right below your picture. This will give your visitors an idea of who you are and what you do.
It’s like your tagline wherein it catches the attention of your visitors and tells them about you in a
few seconds. You may get bold and creative with your bio but just make sure that it’s something
people will find interesting. Also, don’t forget to put your Twitter link in your bio so it’s easy for people
to find your profile.

-Change the Color Scheme

The last part yet also a must-do step is to change your profile’s color scheme. One thing that you
have to ensure is that the color scheme of your Twitter account is similar to that of your brand colors
or your main website. This is to give your brand or name an identity. It also gives your visitors the
feeling of consistency, which is very important when promoting your Twitter account.

2. Craft Quality Content

After you spruce your account, the next thing to do is to come up with quality content for your
audience. While it is the design that will grab the visitors’ attention, it is the content that will drive
their interest. This is why you need to put heavy emphasis on crafting quality content.

-Create Phrase That Are Tweet-worthy

It might be a bit tempting to use SEO keywords in your Tweets because that is what you’re probably
used to when you craft content. However, this is not advisable because social media algorithms and
search engines are different. What may work for websites may not necessarily work for social media
platforms such as Twitter. So instead of using SEO, shift your focus to crafting phrases that are
Tweetable. To make Tweetable quotes, just use catchy one or two liners that people will love to share.

-Use Some Hashtags

Up until today, hashtags are still very powerful in making your Tweets visible in the Twitter search bar.
This is why you should utilize hashtags to spread your message. If there is a trending hashtag that you
can somehow relate to your Twitter account, use it along with a witty Tweet. The combination of a
Tweetable quote and a trending hashtag will definitely help you increase Twitter followers.

3. Use High-Quality Graphics

These days, people have higher expectations for graphics and videos. If you post a low-quality image,
most likely no one will bother looking at it (unless it’s some candid viral photo). This is why you have
to make sure that you know at least basic photo editing so that you can catch people’s interest and
increase Twitter followers through your photos.

4. Engage With People

Lastly, you have to make sure that you engage with people to get more Twitter followers.
Since social media is a platform for engagement, that’s what the people in it will want to do.

-Ask people to Share, Like, or Retweet Your Post

In social media marketing, it’s all about engagement. The more you engage with your followers,
the more you get more Twitter followers. That said, don’t be afraid to ask them to like or retweet
your Tweet. If it’s interesting enough, people will spread it anyway. You’ll just be giving them more
urgency by providing a call to action. However, avoid sounding too desperate. Do what you need to do,
and people will surely follow you naturally.

-Link and Retweet Other People

If you share or link the content of other people, it’s only natural that there will be some sort of
reciprocation. Since Twitter is all about sharing interesting content, you should get yourself in the
game as well to get more Twitter followers. If you do that, the followers of the account you’re linking
will also take the time to check out your account and some will even follow you.


-Observe Community Management Best Practices

Community management is the art of managing a social media account. Some of the best practices
that you have to follow are responding quickly to all Tweets replies in the thread. While it may be hard
to reply to everyone, you have to make sure that you reply to the first few replies so that people will
see that you talk to your fans. Also, limit your Tweets to just a few a day. Over Tweeting cheapens your
account and makes you look like spam.


Trying to increase Twitter followers is no easy task. However, if you know how to do it and master the
entire process, then you can increase Twitter followers in no time. Of course, it won’t happen
overnight. You have to constantly monitor your Twitter account and create strategies on how to push
your Twitter brand. Let these tips help you out.

About the author:

Jessica T. Winder

Understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs
of every business, especially when it comes to online marketing. She can spice up
your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then incorporates
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